Pilates Method
“You can say what Pilates is in three words,
Stretch with Strength and Control.
And Control is the most important part because it makes you use your mind.” ~Romana Kryzanowska
Developed by Joseph Pilates over 80 years ago, Pilates focuses on improving flexibility while strengthening the body.
It is designed to strengthen the core (abdomen, low back, and buttocks) and elongate the muscles.
It is a series of exercises and stretches using a mat and specialized equipment.
It was developed to align the body and strengthen the targeted muscles in coordination with the breath.
As a result, this will allow the rest of the body to move with grace and endurance.
Pilates is a Mind-Body-Spirit exercise incorporating six principles:
Exercises can be modified to suit an individual's needs, from athletes and dancers to seniors and those in physical rehabilitation.
The Pilates method is a core fundamental mindset that can be practiced for the rest of your life.